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SEO Glossary - K

Keyword Cannibalisation

Keyword Cannibalisation is a problem that can occur when multiple pages on a website target the same keyword (whether intentionally or not). You dilute your ability to rank for the keyword across these pages. You should try to avoid this if you can by using keyword clustering.

Keyword Clustering

Keyword Clustering is the process of grouping together related keywords to cover them on the same page (or group of related pages) to avoid Keyword Cannibalisation. Keyword Clustering is best carried out by using SERP Clustering.

Keyword Density

See Keyword Ratio.

Keyword Difficulty

A measure that some keyword research tools will assign to keywords to try to indicate how difficult it would be to rank for a certain keyword based on competition. However, they don’t factor in that this difficulty level will vary depending upon the site that is trying to rank for the keyword and how much topical authority it may or may not have in the area.

Keyword Grouping

See Keyword Clustering.

Keyword Ratio

Keyword ratio (also known as Keyword Density) is the ratio or a keyword to all other words on a page. Some people may say that this is an important metric, but the vast majority of people will disagree.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the process of discovering what keywords to cover when developing content. Many people will use free or paid keyword research tools to achieve this.

Keyword Stuffing

A very basic spam technique of trying to repeat the same keyword and keyword variations on a page over and over to try and improve rankings. Easily spotted and discounted by the search engines.

Keyword Volume

Keyword Volume is a metric that some keyword research tools will provide for a keyword that estimates the monthly number of searches for a keyword. Be cautious over the accuracy of these figures as no tool has direct access to Google's search volume data.


Keywords are words and phrases that people search for in Google and which therefore websites aim to target.