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SEO Glossary - W

Web Crawler

See Crawler, Spider.

Web Hosting

See Hosting.

Web Scraping

See Scraping.

Web Server

A webserver is the software that listens for requests for pages on a website and then serves them to the requester. Popular web servers include Apache and Nginx, amongst others.


A website is the term to cover a set of common related pages served from the same domain name.

Website Monitoring

Downtime can negatively affect your rankings. Website monitoring software can alert you to issues with your site so you can react quickly to minimise the effects. Basic uptime monitoring can be found in tools like Uptime Robot. For more sophisticated SEO checks (like monitoring robots.txt for changes) then a tool like Little Warden is worth looking at.


See Spam.

WhiteHat SEO

WhiteHat SEO is the use of SEO techniques that do not break Google’s Guidelines.


Wordpress is the most popular CMS system used for creating websites. Over 40% of all websites are powered by Wordpress.