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SEO Glossary - O

Off-page SEO

Off page SEO is anything you do towards SEO that is not directly taken on the website itself to boost SEO. This is most usually link building efforts.

On-page SEO

On page SEO is anything you do on your actual websites pages to affect SEO, be that with the content of the page or the HTML code of the page.

Organic Search Results

The Organic Search Results are the non-paid, natural search results that are given by Google to the pages it determines deserve to rank for a search query. These are the results we are trying to rank for when building our web pages.

Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic are visitors to your website who arrive from Google’s organic (i.e. not advertising) search result listings.

Orphaned Pages

An orphaned page is one which has no other web pages linking to it. Unless included in a Sitemap.xml file then Google will never discover the page to consider indexing it.